I was with a new love all last weekend, and it was really an enjoyable time. I can't write about most of what we did, but we listened to a lot of music. We share a love of Steam Powered Giraffe and listened to several of their vinyl albums and then on Youtube.
We had a lot of discussions about our relationship, and how to interact with her spouse. They're feeling a bit lonely and left out, so we're going to have to spend some time as a trio of friends. While their partner is rather attractive to me, I don't think there's actually any attraction there. I'm not closed off to the possibility of building more. I just know that I am now at what I think of as five loving, romantic partners.
Sure I have more in my network, that don't have those romantic feelings, but I can have as many of those as I fancy. I know from previous experience that I can't handle more than five romantic partners. I have tried, and it was a disaster. I wound up neglecting everyone, because I couldn't give people the attention and affection that they deserved.
After leaving her place, I went to see a friend of mine, who I haven't seen in a while. We had an emotional conversation, about how she's handling the changes in her life, how she is no longer feeling tied down, and can really start exploring who she wants to be now. It's a super scary time for her, but I know that she's a survivor.
We also had a conversation about how she is one of those kinds of people who enjoys having sex with her friends. She isn't really ready to start down that path yet, she needs to work through some things first and she knows she would hurt friends now. I don't know if I would be on the menu, but I know that I would catch feelings for her, and I am afraid that I might wind up neglecting my other partners. I don't want to do that. again.
However, I have gotten some 3d design work done on my cyberduck project, as well as started on some design work for the military surplus store in town. Owner wants some gas mask cartridges that the cosplayers can use because aparrently the surplus ones she has are full of asbestos. So while inert and safe as long as they're closed, can't exactly breathe through them.
I have had to order a replacemet soldering iron, still haven't found my old one. I have a sneaking suspicion that it's in storage, even though I am sure that I had it when I moved in... No idea what's happened to it. Once the replacement arrives, I will fix the printer and get back to work on the cyberduck project and print the threads for the NATO 40mm gas mask cartridges to make sure my printer can make something that's good enough.